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The CAADP Post -Malabo Agenda Development Gains Momentum

 “The implementation of CAADP is a clear testament of our unwavering commitment to agricultural transformation”, Ms. Yvonne Mpundu.

Lusaka, Zambia, July 29, 2024 -
The Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP) Post- Malabo agenda development process has been designed to harness the exiting evidence and lessons learned from 20 years of CAADP implementation to shape an Action Plan for the next 10 years.  The implementation of CAADP has seen an increase in Africa’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), average incomes, agricultural output and productivity, agricultural trade and agricultural investments as well as a significantly reduction in hunger and poverty. Progress has however been slower than anticipated due to immense challenges and shocks due to climate change, pandemics and global economic disruptions. 

Recognising the need to develop a robust and comprehensive agenda for the next 10 years to deepen the CAADP process and redouble effort to sustain and accelerate the gains, the African Union Commission (AUC) and the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD) in collaboration with the Regional Economic Communities (RECs), Partners and stakeholders from across the African continent gathered from 25-30 July in Zambia's Capital Lusaka, to discuss, review and finalise the reports of the Post Malabo Technical Working Groups.  

In her opening remarks, H.E Amb. Josefa Sacko, African Union Commissioner for ARBE, stated that the Post-Malabo CAADP Agenda presents a pivotal moment for reshaping Africa’s priorities. “Let us build upon CAADP’s existing strengths to strategically adapt and tackle emerging challenges while aligning with global trends as we develop a robust and evidence-based solution for Agri-food system transformation on the continent”, said the Commissioner.

She further commended the Regional Economic Communities and Research institutes that have contributed immensely on the journey to develop the 10-year Action Plan for African Agriculture to be adopted by an AU Extraordinary Summit planned for early 2025 in Kampala, Uganda. “I commend the RECs for conducting successful regional consultation as well as the 50 memoranda from various stakeholders to help enrich the agenda and program. This level of engagement is a testament to the importance our continent places on transforming African agriculture”, she said.

H.E Amb. Josefa Sacko was also presented the “Africa Green Ambassador Award 2024”. This award is in recognition of her outstanding contributions to agri-food system and circular economy in Africa, as well as her great leadership of consistently producing the CAADP Biennial Review Reports since 2017. The competitive and prestigious award is issued annually by IMAGES Initiative - Nigeria, to deserving personalities in Africa.

Ms. Yvonne S. Mpundu, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Agriculture in Zambia commended the work of the Post Malabo Technical Working Groups. “This pivotal event marks a significant milestone in our collective efforts to transform the agricultural sector, bolster food security, and drive sustainable economic growth. The implementation of CAADP is a clear testament of our unwavering commitment to agricultural transformation while also recognising the pivotal role of youth and women in agriculture”, she added.

Emphasizing the need for collective action from all the stakeholders to ensure the effective implementation of the CAADP, Mme. Estherine Lisinge-Fotabong – AUDA-NEPAD Director of Agriculture, Food Security and Environmental Sustainability reaffirmed the Agency’s commitment to supporting CAADP implementation at all levels. “We need to develop a strong and robust post-Malabo agenda to outlines clear strategic actions to achieve the necessary changes to realise Africa’s agriculture goals and Agenda2063 vision” She further called on delegates to join AUDA-NEPAD and the African Union Commission in shaping a future that Africans can proudly own and drive together. “Your involvement is crucial. Let's unite, collaborate, and make a lasting impact on the Post-Malabo Agenda!", said Mrs Lisinge-Fotabong.

In his remarks, Dr. Godfrey Bahigwa, Director of Agriculture Rural Development (ARD) emphasised the need to develop a CAAADP agenda that is based on scientific research and evidence. “It is crucial that we develop an evidence-based solution that can be scaled across the continent. Drawing lessons from our progress thus far, will enable us to craft a strong post-Malabo CAADP agenda that builds on the successes and addresses the gaps of the current framework” he said.

The work of the Technical Working Groups is focused on reviewing the set of commitments from the Malabo Declaration, namely ii) identify the topical issues as well as emerging challenges, (iii) identify opportunities to deepen and strengthen these areas while addressing the challenges, (iv) mobilize technical contributions from the members, contribute to the provision of data and address the key analytical and research questions and analytical work and (v) report back to on specific findings and recommendations.

The current process will result in a Kampala Declaration to be presented for endorsement by AU member states in January 2025. Once adopted by member states, the Kampala Declaration will be the new 10-year continental blueprint and Action Plan for building sustainable and inclusive food systems that guarantee food security for Africans, while creating decent jobs and unlocking business opportunities for millions of young people and households. 




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