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African Development Bank, International Organization for Migration (IOM) Collaborate on Joint Report on Diaspora Engagement, Climate-induced Migration and Skills Mobility

 Both institutions are prioritizing ways to mitigate the negative impacts of migration, while fostering resilience and economic development and leveraging the potential of Africa's human and economic capital.


ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast, October 9, 2023/ -- The African Development Bank ( and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) have produced a joint report examining the nexus between humanitarian, peace, development and migration. The report, titled Diaspora Engagement, Climate-Induced Migration and Skills Mobility: A focus on Africa, was discussed in a special session in Abidjan held on Thursday 5 October, the final day of the fifth Africa Resilience Forum.


This year’s forum, focuses on ‘Financing Security, Peace and Development for a Resilient Africa.’

Both institutions are prioritizing ways to mitigate the negative impacts of migration, while fostering resilience and economic development and leveraging the potential of Africa's human and economic capital.

The report highlights the importance of partnerships, inclusively engaging diasporas, fostering skills mobility and building climate resilience to further fuel development in Africa.

The event, attended by development partners, regional institutions, and representatives of African governments, was an opportunity to reflect on building partnerships to unlock socio-economic development and integration in Africa through human mobility.


It included a panel discussion featuring Gaoussou Karamoko, Director General of Diaspora in Côte d’Ivoire; Dr. James Kinyangi, Coordinator of the Climate and Development Africa Special Fund at the African Development Bank and Abdourahmane Diop, Ceo of HaskeVentures.

“The introduction of the Free Movement of Persons Protocol alongside the African Continental Free Trade Area presents an opportunity for resilience and sustainable development across our continent,” said Dr. Yero Baldeh, – African Development Bank Director for the Transition States Coordination Office.


“It is important that we, as policy maker and practitioners, strike the right balance in our approach by maximizing the development outcomes of migration whilst strengthening the resilience of communities and working towards durable solutions for the forcibly displaced,” said Aissata Kane, IOM Special Regional Advisor for Africa in opening remarks, adding that this included those affected by the impact of climate change and environmental degradation.

The report was implemented to strengthen technical collaboration between the African Development Bank and IOM. It also benefited from the involvement of the Multilateral Development Bank Platform on Economic Migration and Forced Displacement (EMFD).

The Africa Resilience Forum organized by the African Development Bank, is a biennial event bringing together policymakers and practitioners from the humanitarian, development, peace and security communities, the public and private sectors, academia, and civil society.

The report is being finalized and will be published soon.


Distributed by APO Group on behalf of African Development Bank Group (AfDB).

Tags:African Development Bank, International Organization for Migration (IOM) Collaborate on Joint Report on Diaspora Engagement, Climate-induced Migration and Skills Mobility
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