Sustainable projects // Technology development // Capacity building
Welcome to the Africa Renewable Energy Forum- the first official international side meeting of COP22 – Marrakech 2016.
EnergyNet are delighted to announce that the Africa Renewable Energy Forum will be hosted under the aegis of the Ministry of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment of The Kingdom Of Morocco.
The Ministry of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment will officially open the forum and participate in the various ministerial roundtables, and panel discussions at the forum.
Held under the umbrella of the UN COP22 Climate Change Conference, the Africa Renewable Energy Forum, in partnership with Global Nexus, the Institute of Research in Solar Energy and New Energies (IRESEN), ONEE and The Department of Energy of South Africa, aims to utilise the outcomes of COP21 and COP22 as a springboard to continued investment and Africa’s growth; it will also strategically create a COP22 legacy for Africa as the annual leading renewable energy gathering of governments, energy, environment and finance ministries, national utilities, regulators and rural electrification agencies across the continent, along with DFIs and private sector investors.
Download the brochure for the Africa Renewable Energy Forum

Read the latest press release
At the end of 2015, the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) gathered together at the COP21 in Paris. Adopted by 195 countries, officially signed by 179 and ratified by 20, the most important achievement of the Paris agreement is the worldwide commitment to fight climate change throughout the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC).
The responsibility of COP22 in Marrakech is to enforce the diplomatic agreement with actions and implementation plans. In fact, the COP22 is called the “COP for actions” but it is also the “COP for AllAfrica, providing the opportunity for Africa to lead the way in renewable energy development to fight climate change.
See the reason behind COP22 & ARF:
Following our recent trip to Morocco and Paris, two key elements have been recognised as principle axes in the COP21-22 transition:
The success of the implementation of a sustainable energy agenda for the continent depends on the synergy between the various public departments, more precisely between the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Energy with a very important role played by the Ministry of Finance;
The condicio sine qua non to implement the Paris agreement and to drive forward Africa renewable energy development is private sector engagement in projects that will help countries to achieve NDCs goals and implement the Africa Renewable Energy Initiative.
Based on these two fundamentals, the ARF programme is structured to be the platform for the implementation of the Paris Agreement, with specific focus on Africa and renewable energy to fight climate change. The agenda will feature Africa Talks by thought leaders, Ministerial Roundtables and working group functions, but also sponsored seminars and CEO panel discussions which will include topics such as: Africa‘s successful stories and case studies; the agriculture, water and energy nexus; technology innovator presentations and innovators' roundtable, regulators’ roundtable, financing the right energy mix and mobilising public and private financing to implement climate change measures.
To know more about the impact of COP21 and future mechanisms that will allow the private sector to drive the implementation of the Paris agreement at COP22, please see the entire Panel Discussion at the Africa Energy Forum 2016.